What could be the reasons for the child not gaining weight?


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looking at the smiling, healthy baby in the diaper packet and wondering how her newborn could be so healthy! Her baby's birth weight is now less than it was. Mithila and her family are very worried about this. Before new moms like Mithila panic, know that it's normal for a healthy, full-term breastfed newborn to lose 7 to 8 percent (or a little more) of their birth weight in their first few days. By the time they reach 2 weeks of age, most newborns will have regained their birth weight. By the end of the first year, they will have tripled their normal weight. Sometimes a baby may not gain weight as expected. Today's article will tell you why the baby is not gaining weight and how to solve the problem.

The reason why the baby is not gaining weight

After a while of newborn feedings, diaper changes, and sleepless journeys through the night, you suddenly notice that a couple of weeks have passed and your baby isn't gaining weight. A child must consume more calories than the total number of calories his body needs to gain weight. Three reasons for not gaining weight are:

> The child is not consuming enough calories. 

> The child's body is not absorbing the calories it consumes. 

> Baby's body is burning more calories.

Not consuming enough calories

Healthy, full-term breastfed babies usually breastfeed every 2 to 3 hours. Formula-fed babies need 1.5 to 2 ounces of formula every 3 hours. Feeding times increase as their bellies grow, but some babies may not get the calories they need. The question may come to mind: Why is this?

sleeping baby

Newborns may be asleep, so if you're trying to wake your baby, gently tickle their feet, remove the blanket, or simply remove the diaper and put it on. Many times, it is seen that the child does not consume enough calories due to sleep.

learning effort

Babies need to learn feeding, breathing, and swallowing. Some may take a little longer than others to adapt to it. Make sure, on your part, that they are deeply attached to you while feeding. It is very important for good breastfeeding.

Starting solid foods is difficult.

Pediatricians recommend starting solid food at 6 months of age. Even after starting solid foods, most of their calories will come from breast milk or formula in the first year. Sometimes weight gain may be less when starting solid food. Make sure your baby is eating other foods regularly, even after they start breastfeeding or formula.

The body does not absorb the calories that the child consumes.

Research has revealed why this might happen.

Food allergies and sensitivities

A small number of children have food allergies or intolerances. Consult a doctor immediately if you suspect that your child has an allergy problem. Gluten and dairy products can be difficult for food-sensitive babies to digest and can irritate their intestines, leading to diarrhea. If you are breastfeeding and your baby has allergies, you can change the baby's feeding plan to see if changing his diet can stop the diarrhea. If the baby is formula-fed, try changing the formula.


Studies show that children with severe jaundice are more likely to lose weight. Some children need extra calories because they metabolize the calories they take in faster.

Pre-mature child

Babies born before 37 weeks need more calories than full-term babies.

Breathing problems

Children with respiratory problems require more calories for overexertion, which they need to exert themselves and grow tissues.

heart disease

Research shows that children with heart disease expend 40% more energy. If they are starving, they struggle to gain weight.

Concerns about healthy weight gain

Trying to figure out if your baby is gaining enough weight can be a cause for concern. As a parent of a newborn, you have enough options to think about each day without stressing about every feed. The first step to getting rid of this worry is to take your child for regular checkups with the doctor.

Monitor the baby's growth.

Pediatricians use growth charts to monitor a child's normal growth. A healthy, normal boy or girl gains weight at different rates. Breastfed babies generally gain weight more slowly than formula-fed babies in the first year of life. If you are breastfeeding, the baby's weight should be measured against the World Health Organization's (WHO) growth standard chart, because these charts reflect the growth of breastfed babies. Doctors tell mothers that if the child has passed six or more urine tests in 24 hours, he is in good condition.

Failure to succeed

When babies do not gain enough weight, their overall growth and development suffer. In this case, they may not grow as tall as they should and may be delayed in acquiring skills such as walking. Their growth may be similarly affected.

How to help your baby gain weight

The first step is to eliminate the problem that is preventing your baby from getting the calories he needs. If your child has difficulty swallowing, vomits between meals, seems to have food allergies, reflux, or diarrhea, contact a pediatrician.

Also, if you think your baby isn't getting enough breast milk, don't worry; there are tricks to increase it. Keep the baby close to you, breastfeed every hour or two, and rest. Take enough food and drink yourself. It will increase milk production.

Remember, before stressing about the baby's weight, check if the baby is healthy. If the children are healthy and growing at a certain pace, you don't need to worry about whether they are fat or tall. The child is moving at the right pace. May all children smile in their mother's arms.
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